We had an amazing weekend in Rotterdam with several clear and brilliant courses. Both Nicola and Olivier ended up in the top 5 several times. A finishing touch was given by Nicola and H&M Chilli Willi winning the Nations Cup with the Belgian Team.
Earlier, H&M Ikker, Krapuul F and H&M Forever d'Arco ter Linden showed the best of themselves and took up a good position. But the most stunning performances were Nicola and H&M Chilli Willi's double clear rounds in the Nations Cup of the Netherlands. They took home the gold medal together with their team mates Niels Bruynseels, Jos Verlooy and Pieter Devos.
Only last Olivier and H&M Ikker rode in the Nations Cup of Poland. Team Belgium won the Nations Cup then as well.
Now, we're preparing for the Belgian Coast, as we're all going to Knokke Hippique, organised by Stephex.