
Linzer Pferdefestival CSIO*** Linz-Egelsberg AT

27/04 - 01/05/2018

Longines China Tour CSI**-W Tianjin CN

27/04 - 01/05/2018

Curitiba CSI**-W Curitiba BR

26/04 - 30/04/2018

Wales and West CSI** The David Broome Event Centre GB

26/04 - 29/04/2018

Baltic Cup CSI Youth Fredensborg DK

27/04 - 29/04/2018

Mantes La Jolie CSI** Mantes La Jolie FR

26/04 - 29/04/2018

Bonheiden CSI** Bonheiden BE

27/04 - 29/04/2018

Lexington CSI*** Kentucky Horse Park US